My PURRRFECT artwork, and others

ThE aLL MiGhTy KiTtYkAT | SoN oF kiTtYkAT | Deej PiNgY | iT iS mEeeEe | JEALOUS MATTHEW | iNsiDe mE | PurRfEcT aRtwOrK | PurRfEcT aRtwOrK II | FiGhTs | KonTaKs | fAv LiNx | SiGn mE sLuT

*5!n65* K!7tYK47 k!t7yK4t ! l0v3 m4# K!7tYK4T
I had fun with paint shop, ! m!5s M4# K!t73N

A hair got on his face and messed up the look of the bone structure, I'll fix it later.
But otherwise, this was on my math i never finished. Kittykat was worth it. *kisses to kittykat*BR>

I scanned and cut and added pics from my health homeowrk that I drew while talking to KittyKat. =) I think I'm going ot make a comic outta these two Screen Shot: Project BOB
! 50r74 d!Dn'7 w4n7 t0 4dD 7#3 604733 70 7#3 80770M 7w0 8u7 !7 533mDd 4pPr0pR!473 f0R 7#3 70p 0n3. ! 50r74 41r34dY cR3473d 7#3 c#4r4c73R 50 c#4n6!n6 !7 ! d!D n07 1!k3, 50 !'m 60!n6 70 60 !n 837w33N 604733 4nD N0 604733

Some kinky pix I made the other night, after i made the sad pix I got really #0rN3Y
M05&!Y 83c4U53 50m80dY c4m3 0n1!n3 #3#3#3

I want this t-shirt, and many others
Somebody buy this for me.

Me crying of happyness, from my sweetie
You know cutie =) Your worth everything to me.

All too true
Can't you tell?

KittyKat, shorter hair, cool cut, nice boots, great jacket,m dark mood, blood dripping from mouth, is there anymore to add?
This was the first picture I ever drew of him, this created his character, except now he has longer hair, because he grew it out. and I've added a tail, sortof kittykat ears and a goatee sometimes, he has fangs too. =) god i love art.